One of the main activities, through which PCFF members seek to convey its message, is in dialogue meetings for youth and adults, in schools, community centers and other frameworks
The meetings are led by two PCFF members, an Israeli and a Palestinian, who tell their personal stories of bereavement and explain their choice to engage in dialogue instead of revenge
The bloody conflict between the Israeli and Palestinian societies has taken a heavy toll from each and every one of the PCFF members.
It is through this pain that all of the PCFF members have chosen to exchange their feelings of rage and revenge, helplessness, despair and the void, with activities of hope for reconciliation.
One of the main activities, through which PCFF members seek to convey its message, is in dialogue meetings for youth and adults, in schools, community centers and other frameworks. The meetings are led by two PCFF members, an Israeli and a Palestinian, who tell their personal stories of bereavement and explain their choice to engage in reconciliation instead of revenge. Through the years, the PCFF has arranged about 8,500 dialogue meetings, with about 250,000 participating youth and adults. PCFF members are also invited each year to various events abroad. They give lectures and attend conferences in their capacity of facilitators and messengers as reconciliation dialogue meetings.
Each meeting lasts 90 minutes, and includes the facilitators’ personal story and their journey towards reconciliation, a short display of PCFF activities and then a time for questions and answers. The meetings are held in Hebrew, Arabic and English, according to the audience.
A short video about the dialogue meeting at Nesher High School
The video was created by the school’s students in 2014
The video won first place for student films at the Haifa Festival
A dialogue meeting at
Ironi Dalet High School in Tel Aviv
We recommend to teachers and educators who plan on hosting dialogue meetings in their classes, to talk with the students before the meeting, and to hold a discussion to process the meeting afterwards. We have developed an educational kit which includes lesson plans and background as well as enrichment materials, which will contribute to a productive discussion with the students and to attaining the goals of the meeting.
The PCFF Dialogue Meetings were approved and entered into the Ministry of Education’s pool of suggested external programs.
We are happy to meet with International groups, in homes, companies, organizations, institutions, and the like, who are interested to meet both Israelis and Palestinians, and to conduct a free discussion filled with hope.